LIVE 2/16 in Palo Alto: improve your product with Game Thinking
Last Fall, I wrote about Slack through a Game Thinking lens. Now it’s 2016 – and that article is still circulating and showing up in my feed. Later in 2016, I deconstructed Slack’s coherent player narrative and skill-building core loop at the Lean Startup Conference 2015 – and I’m still getting emails from people who stumble across this video, and want to apply Game Thinking to their product.
At the LSC15, I met Dan Olsen – and we clicked instantly, bonded by a shared passion for helping entrepreneurs create great products with lean, iterative methods. Dan runs the Lean Product & Lean UX Silicon Valley meetup where many great product people have shared their product knowledge with Dan’s tribe.
Now it’s my turn. On 2/16/2016, I’ll be LIVE in Palo Alto, sharing front-line stories and insider tips on improving your product with Game Thinking. If you’re a product owner – PM, startup CXO, lead designer, researcher, head of product, creative director – this is for you. You’ll learn a simple design framework and actionable techniques – brought to life with brand-new case studies to give you powerful insights into what drives long-term engagement.
Plus PRIZES! I’ll be giving away 2 seats at our upcoming Game Thinking Masterclass, lauching this April ($2000 value). Everyone who signs up for the meetup is eligible to win